14 mei 2013

{Texture Tuesday} The Black and White...with perhaps a Touch of Colour eDition

After desaturing the photo to B&W I've added Kim Klassens 'Golden' texture at soft light 40%. The same texture in a pink hue as a background for the text. A layermask on the photo to bring back a little color. All processing is done in GIMP.

More black&white at KimKlassens Texture Tuesday:

07 mei 2013

{Texture Tuesday} The Pop eDition

My first take on making waterdrop photos. Of course it took me a gazillion shots to have one to share... :)
Camera settings: 90mm 1/1600 f/8.0 ISO400 (grainy, due to a need for some more light in my set-up). I've let the kitchen faucet drip on a glass plate with yellowish paper underneath, which worked nicely. Besides snatching a drip, the hardest part was getting a sharp image, but I like this outcome for a first timer.

The photo is processed in Gimp adding KimKlassen 'more magic' texture @ screen 100%

See more POP:

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