20 augustus 2013

groene kikker in de hoofdrol

'frog with an attitude'

'Prince? King of the pond you mean!

14 mei 2013

{Texture Tuesday} The Black and White...with perhaps a Touch of Colour eDition

After desaturing the photo to B&W I've added Kim Klassens 'Golden' texture at soft light 40%. The same texture in a pink hue as a background for the text. A layermask on the photo to bring back a little color. All processing is done in GIMP.

More black&white at KimKlassens Texture Tuesday:

07 mei 2013

{Texture Tuesday} The Pop eDition

My first take on making waterdrop photos. Of course it took me a gazillion shots to have one to share... :)
Camera settings: 90mm 1/1600 f/8.0 ISO400 (grainy, due to a need for some more light in my set-up). I've let the kitchen faucet drip on a glass plate with yellowish paper underneath, which worked nicely. Besides snatching a drip, the hardest part was getting a sharp image, but I like this outcome for a first timer.

The photo is processed in Gimp adding KimKlassen 'more magic' texture @ screen 100%

See more POP:

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30 april 2013

{Texture Tuesday} Wise Words eDition

Texture '2203' and text brush 'affirmation words' by Kim Klassen layered on a photo of Carex Riparia (greater pond sedge)

13 april 2013

zandbadderende mussen

niet 's werelds mooiste foto, wel een heel gezellige. Het terras in de tuin werd opnieuw gestraat en na het werk maken de mussen dankbaar gebruik van het zand dat er nog ligt.

de techniek: niet al te schone ruiten, tegen de zon in en te ver weg ;)

01 januari 2013