18 oktober 2011

{Texture Tuesday} The Free & Easy eDition #2

a week early, ah well...

'blossom and apple
together in the warm light
sunny fall wonder'

Processing done in Gimp
KimKlassen's textures: 'Fall_in' (grain extract @20%) and 'Aurora' (grain merge @30%)
Photo frame by 'the coffee shop'
Haiku by me

texture party at KimKlassen's texture tuesday:

07 oktober 2011

{Texture Tuesday} The Gratitude eDition

Thankful for togetherness

Hortensia pic processed in Gimp. Textures by Kim Klassen: fall in - multiply @100%  and  serious magic - overlay@60%

We celebrated my dad's 75th birthday at a hortensia farm, it was so wonderful to have the complete family gathered together.

No processing on this one besides the added text and adjusted levels.

See more gratitude photos @ Kim Klassen's cafe: